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Draft: Revert ActiveSupport 7.2 Changes

Valerie Burton requested to merge revert-active-support-7.2-changes into master

What does this MR do and why?

This MR reverts the following changes:

The initial ActiveSupport update in !1250 (merged) had caused a NoMethodError to occur when an older version of activesupport is used:

This was attempted with a fix in !1254 (merged), but unfortunately this caused uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::BroadcastLogger errors to occur in gitlab!141949 (closed) once a new version of gitlab-qa was released. The qa/Gemfile in the GitLab project still uses ActiveSupport v.7.0.8, and BroadcastLogger does not appear to be available in that version. We can see in the 7.0.8 source code that broadcast_logger.rb is not present, but it does exist in 7.1.2. Also to note, in 7.1.2, the broadcast method for Logger seems to no longer be available.

Until we can determine a path forward and resolve these compatibility issues, we should revert this changes so that we can unblock the next gitlab-qa release.

How to set up and validate locally

  1. In GDK, in qa/Gemfile, update gitlab-qa to the following:
gem 'gitlab-qa', git: '', branch: 'revert-active-support-7.2-changes', require: 'gitlab/qa'
  1. Run bundle install from qa directory
  2. Run a QA unit test, such as bundle exec rspec spec/resource/base_spec.rb
  3. Verify test passes as expected

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Valerie Burton

Merge request reports