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Show loading spinner while Ingress/Knative IP is being assigned

Jacques Erasmus requested to merge 49863-ingress-ip-loading-state into master

What does this MR do?

This MR ensures that a loading spinner is displayed instead of a ? while the Ingress/Knative IP is being assigned

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #49863 (closed)

Closes #56945 (closed)


before after
Screenshot_2019-03-12_at_09.18.22 Screen_Recording_2019-03-08_at_11.08.25.2019-03-08_11_21_44
Screenshot_2019-03-12_at_09.49.07 Screen_Recording_2019-03-12_at_09.49.50.2019-03-12_09_51_47

To simulate the "loading" state, the following commands can be executed:

Open rails console: bundle exec rails console

In rails console execute the following:

  1. cluster = Clusters::Cluster.find <id> Note: <id> can be found in the browser url when navigating to the cluster
  2. ingress = cluster.application_ingress OR knative = cluster.application_knative to test Knative
  3. ingress.update!(external_ip: nil) OR knative.update!(external_ip: nil) to test Knative

Ingress/Knative should temporarily be without an external endpoint and should display the loading icon for a few seconds until the IP is retrieved again.

Repeat step 1-3 again in order to simulate the same behaviour again.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

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