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docs: add MR default template

Jaime Martinez requested to merge 1020-mr-templates into master

Related to Ensure SREs Can Determine if Deployed Registrie... (#1020 - closed)

It adds the following default MR template.

What does this MR do?


Author checklist

  • Feature flag
    • Added feature flag:
    • This feature does not require a feature flag
  • I added unit tests or they are not required
  • I added documentation (or it's not required)
  • I followed code review guidelines
  • I followed Go Style guidelines
  • For database changes including schema migrations:
    • Run bin/registry database migrate up config.yml successfully.
    • Run bin/registry database migrate down config.yml successfully.
    • TODO we should have checkboxes that it's been tested that it's safe for cny deploys and for rollbacks, with links to documentation on how to do that.

Reviewer checklist

  • The commit message and the MR description is still accurate.
  • The change is safe to deploy.

If the MR introduces database schema migrations:

  • Identify if the change can be rolled back safely. (note: all other reasons for not being able to rollback will be sufficiently captured by major version changes).
If the changes cannot be rolled back follow these steps:
  • If not, apply the label cannot-rollback.
  • Add a section to the MR description that includes the following details:
    • The reasoning behind why a release containing the presented MR can not be rolled back due to schema migrations.
    • Detailed steps to revert/disable a feature introduced by the same change where a migration cannot be rolled back. (note: ideally MRs containing schema migrations should not contain feature changes.)
    • Ensure a new release is cut with these changes only.

Merge request reports