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feat(database): use service discovery for primary address

Jaime Martinez requested to merge 890-dns-service-lookup into master

Related to #890 (closed)

What does this MR do?

It introduces a dns package that can resolve SRV and A types of records from a DNS server. It also adds a new discovery section to the database configuration to enable service discovery for a primary database host.

How to test locally

The setup requires a DNS server that can reply to SRV and A requests. The easiest way is to run a PostgreSQL container and install consul:

  1. Create a volume docker volume create postgres_data
  2. docker run --name postgres-registry -d --restart=always -p 55432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=registry -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=apassword -e POSTGRES_DB=registry_dev -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/pgdata -v postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/pgdata postgres:12-alpine
  3. ensure the database registry_dev exists, e.g. using psql : PGPASSWORD=apassword psql -h -U registry -p 55432 -d registry_dev -c 'select 1';
  4. Create a consul directory and add some configuration settings:
  5. mkdir -p consul/data
  6. cd consul
  7. touch consul.json
  8. Add the following to consul.json
  "data_dir": "consul/data",
  "enable_local_script_checks": true,
  "services": [
      "id": "primary-55432",
      "name": "registry-primary",
      "port": 55432,
      "address": "",
      "tags": [
      "checks": [
          "args": ["psql", "-U", "registry", "-h", "", "-p", "55432", "-d", "registry_dev", "-c", "select 1"],
          "interval": "2s"
  1. Consul will run in the terminal and the logs can be seen when a query is attempted:
dig +short @ -p 8600 primary.registry-primary.service.consul -t SRV
1 1 55432 7f000001.addr.dc1.consul.
2023-04-05T17:54:09.221+1000 [DEBUG] agent.dns: request served from client: name=primary.registry-primary.service.consul. type=SRV class=IN latency="260.625µs" client= client_network=udp
2023-04-05T17:54:10.818+1000 [DEBUG] agent: Check status updated: check=service:primary-55432 status=passing

Now add the following to your registry config.yml file under the database section

  enabled: true
  password: "apassword"
  dbname:   "registry_dev"
  sslmode:  "disable"
    enabled: true
    primaryrecord: "primary.registry-primary.service.consul."
    recordtype: SRV
    port: 8600
  1. Run the migrations!
make bin/registry && ./bin/registry database migrate up ./myenv/config.yml
OK: applied 132 migrations in 3.778s
Edited by Jaime Martinez

Merge request reports