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Prioritized labels 0

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Labels 2,887

  • Indicates that associated merge request pipelines will be run jobs with a single database
  • skips running ci validation tests in MR pipeline
  • Indicates that the undercoverage job for the merge request will be allowed to fail
  • pipeline:too-old
    This is an automatically-applied label when the latest pipeline on a merged MR was creating too long ago at the time of merging.
  • Indicates that associated merge request pipelines will be run jobs to force caches to be updated
  • plantriage
    An issue that is not assigned an epic, milestone, or contains not enough information. It requires more triaging to decide its fate.
  • planning priority
    Issues which are particularly important to be released in the specified milestone. This should only be set by the responsible PM.
  • planningrefinement
    An issue which has been validated and breakdown started, but requires further refinement before development can begin. This label is being used as part of an experiment and should not be manually added/removed. See gitlab-org/developer-relations/contributor-success/team-task#382
  • planningto-do
    An issue which has been validated and ready for planning/design/development. This label is being used as part of an experiment and should not be manually added/removed. See gitlab-org/developer-relations/contributor-success/team-task#382
  • platform-specific
    Outlier that relates to a single distribution, platform, or architecture (eg Debian/AWS/ARM/)
  • platform-to-create
    Issues migrated from Platform label to Create label Ref: gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops#59
  • popular proposal
    Feature proposals deemed popular by our issue triage policies ( will have this label applied
  • portal integration
    for issues relating to the customer portal integrating with another ent app
  • potential proposal
    Label added by triage tools to mark interesting feature proposals for consideration
  • predictability
    Issues that we anticipate yielding higher predictability (vs. velocity).
  • priority1
    We will address this as soon as possible regardless of limit on our team capacity. See