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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • process-improvement
    Issues related to general work process
  • prodops:direction
    Applies to epics, issues or MRs that should be highlighted on a Product Operations direction page.
  • Applies to to Product Operations work focusing on building qualitative & quantitative feedback loops.
  • prodops:knowledge
    Applies to to Product Operations work focusing on scaling product knowledge.
  • prodops:outcomes
    Applies to to Product Operations work supporting operationalizing outcome driven products.
  • prodops:related
    This label represents is used when an epic, issue or MR does not required direct contribution from Product Operations but required their awareness as it affects workflows, documentation, or is otherwise a dependency for Product Operations work.
  • prodops:release
    Applies to epics, issues or MRs that should be highlighted on a Product Operations release page.
  • applies to work related to the product development flow
  • A discovery issue intended for UX, PM, FE, and BE to discuss the problem and potential solutions. The final output for this issue could be a doc of requirements, a design artifact, or even a prototype. The solution will be developed in a subsequent milestone.
  • product handbook
    applies to work related to the product handbook
  • Assigned to MRs when danger bot detects changes to tracking/metrics related files to kick off approval process.
  • Product Analytics(Telemetry) changes are reviewed and ready to be approved by Product Analytics(Telemetry) Reviewer/Maintainer
  • Product Analytics(Telemetry) changes require a review from Product Analytics(Telemetry) Reviewer/Maintainer
  • This epic or issue needs product review to validate need and/or schedule.
  • In order to keep a manageable backlog of work we are actively focusing on, we apply the ~"product planning::parked" label to the epics/issues that we intend to check regularly, but do not plan any work on them currently.
  • product work
    Issues for the Product team. Covers issues that still need to be worked out before UX / Dev can work on it