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feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords

Merged Stan Hu requested to merge sh-support-sentinel-password-try2 into master

What does this MR do?

This merge request introduces global.redis.sentinelAuth that will allow admins to create a Redis Sentinel password for all Sentinel instances. redisYmlOverride and instance-specific configuration cannot be used at the moment to reduce the complexity of testing and managing secrets.

GitLab Exporter

  • This uses sentinel_password in the YAML config file.

GitLab Rails

  • Workhorse: SentinelPassword in the config TOML
  • GitLab Rails: sentinel_password in the various Redis YML files


  • KAS reads the Redis Sentinel secret directly via the sentinel_password_file.


sentinel_username and sentinel_password can be specified as config parameters in gitlab-mail_room v0.0.25 (gitlab-org/ruby/gems/gitlab-mail_room!68 (merged)). The old way of passing the username and password involves adding a username and password field to each host sentinels. This requires gitlab-org/build/CNG!1847 (merged).

Related issues

Relates to #2902 (closed)

Follow-up items


I created a separate Redis and Redis Sentinel deployment:


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: redis
  replicas: 1
      app: redis
        app: redis
      - name: redis
        image: redis:latest
        - containerPort: 6379
        - name: REDIS_PASSWORD
          value: "<password from gitlab-redis-secret secret>"
        - sh
        - -c
        - |
          echo "user default on >${REDIS_PASSWORD} ~* +@all allchannels" > /tmp/redis.conf
          redis-server /tmp/redis.conf
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis
  - port: 6379
    targetPort: 6379
    app: redis


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: redis-sentinel
  replicas: 1
      app: redis-sentinel
        app: redis-sentinel
      - name: redis-sentinel
        image: bitnami/redis-sentinel:latest
        - containerPort: 26379
        - name: REDIS_PASSWORD
          value: "<password from gitlab-redis-secret secret>"
        - name: SENTINEL_PASSWORD
          value: "my-sentinel-password"
        - sh
        - -c
        - |
          echo "Starting Redis Sentinel..."
          cat <<EOF > /opt/bitnami/redis-sentinel/etc/sentinel.conf
          sentinel monitor mymaster redis.default.svc.cluster.local 6379 2
          sentinel auth-pass mymaster ${REDIS_PASSWORD}
          sentinel resolve-hostnames yes
          requirepass ${SENTINEL_PASSWORD}
          redis-sentinel /opt/bitnami/redis-sentinel/etc/sentinel.conf
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis-sentinel
  - port: 26379
    targetPort: 26379
    app: redis-sentinel

Then I ran:

kubectl apply -f redis-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f sentinel-deployment.yaml

In values.yaml, I updated this:

      pullPolicy: Always
      tag: sh-update-mailroom
      enabled: true
      # secret:
      # key:
    host: mymaster
    # port: 6379
    # user: webservice
      - host: 'redis-sentinel.default.svc.cluster.local'
        port: 26379
      enabled: true
      secret: gitlab-redis-sentinel-secret
      key: password

Then I created a secret:

kubectl create secret generic gitlab-redis-sentinel-secret --from-literal=password=my-sentinel-password

Then I deployed GitLab with MailRoom enabled and verified all the pods came up.

Author checklist

For general guidance, please follow our Contributing guide.


For anything in this list which will not be completed, please provide a reason in the MR discussion.

  • Merge Request Title and Description are up to date, accurate, and descriptive.
  • MR targeting the appropriate branch.
  • MR has a green pipeline.
  • Documentation created/updated.
  • Tests added/updated, and test plan for scenarios not covered by automated tests.
  • Equivalent MR/issue for omnibus-gitlab opened.

Reviewers checklist

Edited by Stan Hu

Merge request reports



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  • Tracking
  • Stan Hu
  • Stan Hu added 2 commits

    added 2 commits

    • ef05df7c - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Rails
    • b9b3e758 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu added 2 commits

    added 2 commits

    • 556d4ee6 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Rails
    • f532312b - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu added 4 commits

    added 4 commits

    • 06427b41 - Drop extraneous map check in Redis Sentinel template
    • e5fef185 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in KAS
    • acc08b3f - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Rails
    • 83f213ce - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu resolved all threads

    resolved all threads

  • Stan Hu added 4 commits

    added 4 commits

    • c85b5d64 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Exporter
    • ecac7a44 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in KAS
    • 4e114855 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Rails
    • 518467bc - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu
  • Stan Hu added 3 commits

    added 3 commits

    • 84d68f3d - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in KAS
    • b56e0925 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Rails
    • 21a833c4 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu added 4 commits

    added 4 commits

    • 5b3e17dc - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Exporter
    • 7c0d9eaf - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in KAS
    • 8d786616 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Rails
    • 17a7cdcf - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu requested review from @Alexand

    requested review from @Alexand

  • Stan Hu resolved all threads

    resolved all threads

  • Stan Hu added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 79d88ada - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu changed the description

    changed the description

    • Resolved by Jason Plum

      Need to confirm that defining a single sentinelAuth makes sense

      Do you mean as a global config? I think it does. If I'm setting up sentinel, I'm probably interested in having high availability for all my services that use Redis. Is there a great benefit in configuring just for some? Maybe having HA for just some of them might be a cost cutting choice? I'm not sure if it would be a considerable cut though.

      I think we can probably also start with global, then later introduce per sub-chart overrides if people start asking for it.

      Global also keeps a smaller config.

      For this decision, it's a good idea to ask @WarheadsSE to weigh-in. There's a conference going on, so maybe he'll answer when he comes back from it sometime next week.

      But yeah, let's push the review with the current proposed approach for now. :thumbsup:

      Edited by João Alexandre Cunha
  • Stan Hu added 2 commits

    added 2 commits

    • e070407a - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Rails
    • f7312d83 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 01fbcfa3 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

  • Stan Hu mentioned in issue #2902 (closed)

    mentioned in issue #2902 (closed)

  • Stan Hu added 10 commits

    added 10 commits

    • 01fbcfa3...60f7e35e - 6 commits from branch master
    • 4b097809 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Exporter
    • ca7023c6 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in KAS
    • 29f970d8 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in GitLab Rails
    • 676d8114 - feat: add support for Redis Sentinel passwords in MailRoom

    Compare with previous version

    • Resolved by João Alexandre Cunha


      The gitlab-kas pods are up but are continually reporting:

      {"level":"error","time":"2024-06-06T19:45:42.762Z","msg":"Error handling Redis SUBSCRIBE","error":"NOPERM No permissions to access a channel"}

      Could be a problem on KAS sentinel support, so not necessarily this configs change. But needs investigating. :spy:

  • Stan Hu changed the description

    changed the description

  • Stan Hu mentioned in issue #3813 (closed)

    mentioned in issue #3813 (closed)

  • Mailroom :white_check_mark:

    I've re-tested all and it looks like it's all in good shape.

    We also need some special config for mailroom. I've set it up with a real GMail account like so:

          enabled: true
          # This '+%{key}' suffix should be included in its entirety within the email
          # address and not replaced by another value.
          address: <REDACTED>+%{key}
          port: 993
          ssl: true
          startTls: false
          user: <REDACTED>
            secret: incoming-email-password
            key: secret
          mailbox: inbox
          deliveryMethod: webhook
          authToken: {}

    Also had to create the incoming-email-password secret with my IMAP account application password.

    I got surprised when I cat /var/opt/gitlab/mail_room.yml and saw sentinel_password: "<%="/etc/gitlab/redis-sentinel/redis-sentinel-password").strip %>". I didn't know it was an ERB friendly file, which I later confirmed. :thumbsup:

    I've then checked the logs and connection worked well with the IMAP server.

    Exporter :white_check_mark:

    Running curl localhost:9168/metrics returned plenty of metrics.

    KAS and Rails :white_check_mark:

    I did another more complete test by going into the instance, configuring an agent and using the CI/CD feature.

    Configs and logs :white_check_mark:

    I've verified all configs and logs, and I couldn't find anything unexpected.

  • João Alexandre Cunha approved this merge request

    approved this merge request

  • requested review from @WarheadsSE

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