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Ability to prefix session cookies

Omar Qunsul requested to merge 439945-ability-to-prefix-session-cookies into master

What does this MR do?

As part of the Cells project, we need to have the option to prefix session cookies values by a prefix, to enable us to generate cookies with a prefixed value for each cell. See for more information.

As part of this MR we added the ability to configure GitLab app itself to change the prefix. In this MR, we are adding this option to the Helm Charts.

Related issues

Addressing: gitlab-org/gitlab#439945 (closed)

Related MRs

Verifying the changes


  1. You need a machine with Kubernetes and Helm installed. To test the changes using MiniKube for example, see this page:


  1. Pull this repository and checkout this MR branch 439945-ability-to-prefix-session-cookies. git checkout --track origin/439945-ability-to-prefix-session-cookies
  2. Run helm dependency update
  3. Deploy GitLab using helm with some custom prefix value (you can also test the default value ""):
helm upgrade --install gitlab . --timeout=900s -f examples/values-minikube.yaml --set prometheus.install=false --set gitlab-runner.install=false --set=global.grafana.enabled=false --set global.rails.session_store.session_cookie_token_prefix=custom_token_
  1. Locate a webservice pod using kubectl get pods
  2. kubectl exec -ti WEBSERVICE-POD -- bash
  3. cd /srv/gitlab
  4. ./bin/rails c
  5. Inspect Rails.application.config.session_options
  6. You should see something like

Author checklist

See Definition of done.

For anything in this list which will not be completed, please provide a reason in the MR discussion.


  • Merge Request Title and Description are up to date, accurate, and descriptive
  • MR targeting the appropriate branch
  • MR has a green pipeline on
  • When ready for review, follow the instructions in the "Reviewer Roulette" section of the Danger Bot MR comment, as per the Distribution experimental MR workflow

For merge requests from forks, consider the following options for Danger to work properly:

Expected (please provide an explanation if not completing)

Edited by Clemens Beck

Merge request reports