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TLS SecretName will only be set if tlsSecret is specified.

Javion Cai requested to merge javion3/gitlab:javion3-master-patch-83196 into master

What does this MR do?

This change makes the secretName optional to be populated. This behaviour is to support the feature wildcard certificates.

Serving a wildcard to ingress resources in different namespaces (default SSL certificate) Most ingress controllers, including ingress-nginx, Traefik, and Kong support specifying a single certificate to be used for ingress resources which request TLS but do not specify tls.[].secretName. This is often referred to as a "default SSL certificate". As long as this is correctly configured, ingress resources in any namespace will be able to use a single wildcard certificate. Wildcard certificates are not supported with HTTP01 validation and require DNS01.

Sample ingress snippet:

kind: Ingress
  - host:
  - hosts:
    #secretName omitted to use default wildcard certificate

Basically if no secretName is specified, then a default tls secret is used

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  • Merge Request Title and Description are up to date, accurate, and descriptive
  • MR targeting the appropriate branch
  • MR has a green pipeline on
  • When ready for review, MR is labeled "~workflow::ready for review" per the Distribution MR workflow

Expected (please provide an explanation if not completing)

  • Test plan indicating conditions for success has been posted and passes
  • Documentation created/updated
  • Tests added
  • Integration tests added to GitLab QA
  • Equivalent MR/issue for omnibus-gitlab opened
  • Validate potential values for new configuration settings. Formats such as integer 10, duration 10s, URI scheme://user:passwd@host:port may require quotation or other special handling when rendered in a template and written to a configuration file.
Edited by Javion Cai

Merge request reports