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Update gitlab-shell chart to make login-grace-time configurable

Igor Drozdov requested to merge id-gitlab-sshd-login-grace-time into master

Sets a period after which the server disconnects if a user has not successfully logged in. It's similar to OpenSSH's LoginGraceTime, so we can use the existing loginGraceTime setting.

Docs already describe loginGraceTime option:

Related issues


  1. Checked out this branch.
  2. Installed the chart with these values.yaml:
    sshDaemon: gitlab-sshd
      loginGraceTime: 5
  1. Perform an SSH connection that takes some time to authenticate. For example, an SSH key with a password can be used. SSH client asks for a password and the server will wait for the response.
  2. Wait for 5 seconds.
  3. Server drops the connection (the logs contain ... i/o timeout message).
  4. Depending on the operation that a client performs at the moment, the connection from the client perspective should either drop or not be able to proceed. For example, if we used the password input for imitating a long connection, the connection will be closed immediately after the password is entered.


See Definition of done.

For anything in this list which will not be completed, please provide a reason in the MR discussion.


  • Merge Request Title and Description are up to date, accurate, and descriptive
  • MR targeting the appropriate branch
  • MR has a green pipeline on

Expected (please provide an explanation if not completing)

  • Test plan indicating conditions for success has been posted and passes
  • Documentation created/updated
  • Tests added
  • Integration tests added to GitLab QA
  • Equivalent MR/issue for omnibus-gitlab opened

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