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Adds readiness probe for gitlab-shell

John Skarbek requested to merge jts/adds-readiness-probe-for-shell into master

What does this MR do?

  • Configures the readiness probe for the gitlab-shell to utilize a tcp check for port 2222
    • This is hardcoded as it is hardcoded in the CNG configuration and is therefore not an item that can be changed
    • We do not rely on the healthcheck script as this will accidentally match the pgrep which is not precise when the sshd is not running but clients may still be connected
  • Set the default values of the readiness probes to be slightly shorter than the liveness probes to allow for a Pod to go into an unhealthy state, removing it from service, prior to being restarted
    • This should hopefully allow for existing connections to complete vs becoming interrupted during deploys or incidents with a given Pod
  • Adds an example configuration explaining the use case of potentially requiring more fine tuning of this configuration

Addresses: #2357 (closed)

Related issues


See Definition of done.

For anything in this list which will not be completed, please provide a reason in the MR discussion.


  • Merge Request Title and Description are up to date, accurate, and descriptive
  • MR targeting the appropriate branch
  • MR has a green pipeline on

Expected (please provide an explanation if not completing)

  • Test plan indicating conditions for success has been posted and passes
  • Documentation created/updated
  • Tests added
  • Integration tests added to GitLab QA
  • Equivalent MR/issue for omnibus-gitlab opened
Edited by John Skarbek

Merge request reports