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Force unicorn, sidekiq and task-runner images build when 'FORCE_RAILS_IMAGE_BUILDS=true'

In we noticed that while the gitlab-rails-ce/gitlab-rails-ee images are always rebuilt (thanks to FORCE_RAILS_IMAGE_BUILDS=true), that's not true for the gitlab-unicorn-ce/gitlab-unicorn-ee, gitlab-sidekiq-ce/gitlab-sidekiq-ee, gitlab-task-runner-ce/gitlab-task-runner-ee images, and that's causing a problem because these are the final images, so force-building the gitlab-rails-ce/gitlab-rails-ee images without rebuilding these final images is useless and leads to confusion when the Review App is deployed because the latest changes aren't actually deployed.

This MR adds the support for FORCE_RAILS_IMAGE_BUILDS=true to the gitlab-unicorn-ce/gitlab-unicorn-ee, gitlab-sidekiq-ce/gitlab-sidekiq-ee, gitlab-task-runner-ce/gitlab-task-runner-ee images building jobs.

This will potentially make the builds a bit longer.

I've created to check if this change works as expected.

Edited by Rémy Coutable

Merge request reports