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Added: Cube Kubernetes deployment manifest

Dennis Tang requested to merge dennis-k8s-cube into main

Resolves gitlab-org/gitlab#369026 (closed)

This is a development-only Kuberenetes deployment manifest for use with the GDK.

For production we will want to better understand how to tune this to weather high traffic.

Steps to test

  • Test credentials
    • Host: clickhouse-server (this assumes you're running the clickhouse deployment
    • Database: default
    • Username: test
    • Password: test
  • Set up the cluster
    • kubectl apply -Rf cube/manifests
  • Expose ports
    • kubectl port-forward service/cube-service 4000:4000
  • Test Cube out!
    • If you used the example queries from the Clickhouse deployment MR, you'll have 2M rows of data to play with.


  • Steps to test
  • Separate out into individual files
Edited by Dennis Tang

Merge request reports