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Added: Clickhouse Kubernetes deployment manifest

Dennis Tang requested to merge dennis-k8s-clickhouse into main

Resolves gitlab-org/gitlab#369025 (closed)

This is a development-only Kuberenetes deployment manifest for use with the GDK.

For production we will want to expand on this and think about HPA, federation/cluster/operator models, etc.

Steps to test

  • Test credentials
    • Username: test
    • Password: test
  • Set up the cluster
    • kubectl apply -Rf clickhouse/manifests
  • Expose ports
    • kubectl port-forward service/clickhouse-server 8123:8123 9000:9000
  • Run queries or integrate with Jitsu
    • You can use the web UI to run queries via localhost:8123/play or connect directly to port 9000 with the CLI.
    • I'd recommend integrating with Jitsu but below are some example queries if you want to observe storage persistence

Example queries

This will insert 2M rows of data into the clickhouse server. Feel free to mess with the deployment and observe that the data is retained.

    `trip_id` UInt32,
    `vendor_id` Enum8('1' = 1, '2' = 2, '3' = 3, '4' = 4, 'CMT' = 5, 'VTS' = 6, 'DDS' = 7, 'B02512' = 10, 'B02598' = 11, 'B02617' = 12, 'B02682' = 13, 'B02764' = 14, '' = 15),
    `pickup_date` Date,
    `pickup_datetime` DateTime,
    `dropoff_date` Date,
    `dropoff_datetime` DateTime,
    `store_and_fwd_flag` UInt8,
    `rate_code_id` UInt8,
    `pickup_longitude` Float64,
    `pickup_latitude` Float64,
    `dropoff_longitude` Float64,
    `dropoff_latitude` Float64,
    `passenger_count` UInt8,
    `trip_distance` Float64,
    `fare_amount` Float32,
    `extra` Float32,
    `mta_tax` Float32,
    `tip_amount` Float32,
    `tolls_amount` Float32,
    `ehail_fee` Float32,
    `improvement_surcharge` Float32,
    `total_amount` Float32,
    `payment_type` Enum8('UNK' = 0, 'CSH' = 1, 'CRE' = 2, 'NOC' = 3, 'DIS' = 4),
    `trip_type` UInt8,
    `pickup` FixedString(25),
    `dropoff` FixedString(25),
    `cab_type` Enum8('yellow' = 1, 'green' = 2, 'uber' = 3),
    `pickup_nyct2010_gid` Int8,
    `pickup_ctlabel` Float32,
    `pickup_borocode` Int8,
    `pickup_ct2010` String,
    `pickup_boroct2010` String,
    `pickup_cdeligibil` String,
    `pickup_ntacode` FixedString(4),
    `pickup_ntaname` String,
    `pickup_puma` UInt16,
    `dropoff_nyct2010_gid` UInt8,
    `dropoff_ctlabel` Float32,
    `dropoff_borocode` UInt8,
    `dropoff_ct2010` String,
    `dropoff_boroct2010` String,
    `dropoff_cdeligibil` String,
    `dropoff_ntacode` FixedString(4),
    `dropoff_ntaname` String,
    `dropoff_puma` UInt16
ENGINE = MergeTree
PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(pickup_date)
ORDER BY pickup_datetime;

    SELECT * FROM s3(

SELECT count() FROM trips


  • Steps to test
  • Separate out into individual files
Edited by Sam Kerr

Merge request reports