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Clarify BDR Comments Fields

Panos Rodopoulos requested to merge PanosR-master-patch-62219 into master

Why is this change being made?

Our new BDR Outbound process revolves around a set of SFDC Fields under the "BDR Comments" section. These fields are currently freetext fields. To standardize their usage, I am proposing below a set of standardized responses.

These can be used for better efficiency by individual contributors, but also their managers for running MoFu campaigns or having better visibility onto outbound pipelines.

@monaelliott - I would suggest we directly make these fields pick-list values in SFDC and re-purpose this MR to be an explanation on what each picklist value means.

Looking forward to your feedback!

CC: @Elsje @jlarramendy

Merge request reports