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Some MQL clarification

Open Dara Warde requested to merge dara-MarketoMQL into master

Why is this change being made?

As we move into new territory with online events, we are seeing an increase in actions that have not been done before with requests for points related to Lead Scoring. Until we can completely revamp the scoring later this month, this clarifies what it means to MQL and that my approval is required for scoring any new types of events.

@amy.waller @cbeer not sure if you also just want to update more info in the scoring model as I know we've made some additional tweaks since March?

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Edited by Dara Warde

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    marked the checklist item Provided a concise title for the MR as completed

  • Dara Warde marked the checklist item Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per [say-why-not-just-what][transparency] as completed

    marked the checklist item Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per [say-why-not-just-what][transparency] as completed

  • Dara Warde marked the checklist item Assign this change to the correct DRI as completed

    marked the checklist item Assign this change to the correct DRI as completed

  • I like your explanation here. The scoring section regarding points is updated each time I make a change.

  • This is great. One suggestion to add under the description is that they have to provide scoring examples on how they got to the suggested new score. Reason being, the recent adjustments that I have seen were high and the explanation is then tied to a score that is high and not necessarily within the tactic.

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