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Rename SaaS runner group and category to Hosted runners

Gabriel Engel requested to merge gabrielengel_gl-master-patch-4edb into master


With the recent change to move away from SaaS naming and differentiated to & GitLab Dedicated, we want also to rename SaaS runners, to be more clear about who can use the product.

For more information check the rename issue Rename SaaS runners to Hosted runners (Product#13113 - closed) • Fiona Neill, Rebecca Clayman+


Merge requests with changes to stages and groups and significant changes to categories need to be created, approved, and/or merged by each of the below:

  • Chief Product Officer @david (post MR link in chief-product-officer once all others have approved)
  • PLT Leader relevant to the affected Section(s) @mflouton
  • The Product Director relevant to the affected Section(s)
  • The Engineering Director relevant to the affected Section(s) @sgoldstein
  • Director of Product Design @vkarnes

Note: Chief Product Officer approval should be requested once all other approvals have been completed. To request approval, post the MR link in the #chief-product-officer channel tagging @david and cc'ing @Gena Schwam.

The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:

After Approvals and Merge

Edited by David DeSanto

Merge request reports
