Questionnaire - Large time zone difference
What is this?
GitLab is globally distributed and in addition to the handbook section on managing time zones we'd like to hear directly from our team what concrete actions they take.
How can I help?
You can drop a comment on this issue answering the following questions
I have a X hour time zone difference with my Manager|Direct report
**What’s biggest positive effect the timezone difference has on your work?**
**What’s the biggest negative effect the timezone difference has on your work?**
**How do you deal with this effect?**
**What can the team do to deal with this effect?**
**What have you learned in your time working like this that you wish you had known from the start?**
I have something to share but I don't want to do it in public
You can fill in this form with any additional details
Edited by Ragnar Hardarson