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removed extra space to fix errors while converting

Harjeet Sharma requested to merge hasharma-main-patch-3d71 into main

Merge Request Description


This merge request removes extra spaces in the code to fix errors while converting.

Detailed Changes

logsource: detection: selection: target_type: 'ApprovalProjectRule'

The custom message now contains "approval rule" instead of "approval rule". This change was made to fix an error that occurred while converting the code.

logsource: detection: selection: target_type: 'ApprovalProjectRule'

The custom message now contains "User project" instead of "User project". This change was made to fix an error that occurred while converting the code.

logsource: detection: selection: target_type: 'ProtectedBranch'

The custom message now contains "Added protected branch" instead of "Added protected branch". This change was made to fix an error that occurred while converting the code.

logsource: detection: selection2: target_type: 'ProtectedBranch'

The custom message now contains "Changed allowed to push from" instead of "Changed allowed to push from". This change was made to fix an error that occurred while converting the code.

This description was generated for revision ce960c2e using AI

Merge request reports