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SecRisk FY24-Q4 Quarterly Alignment HB Updates

Ty Dilbeck requested to merge quarterlyalignment into main

The following changes were made as a result of the FY24-Q4 SecRisk Quarterly Alignment Session:

  • Mission:
    • Add Hyperlink to decision making
  • Core Competencies
    • Update TPRM language with header line from TPRM HB
    • StORM should mention our role in setting strategy (3 year roadmap)
  • Metrics
    • Nix this section
  • DRIs
    • BIA = Nirmal (not Kyle)
    • Obs Mgmt = Nirmal (not Ty)
    • Should we add one for me on TPRM tooling? Did the Zip, BitSight, and Hyperproof major changes/ implementations

Merge request reports