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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.14.0
     - Warning indicating not to use globs in generated specs
     - A global bootstrap bcond in order to provide a bootstrap workflow
  • v1.13.1
    bafd7586 · Release 1.13.1 ·
    go2rpm 1.13.1
    - Publish go2rpm to PyPI
    - templates vendor: adjust go-vendor-tools–generated comment
  • v1.13.0
    332a0d8f · Release 1.13.0 ·
    go2rpm 1.13.0
    - `templates`: add consistent sorting to ensure that specfile generation is
    - `vendor`: add `--compression` and `--compresslevel` flags
    - `vendor`: add informational comment above generated license
    - `vendor`: use `bz2` as default compression to match `go-vendor-tools`
    - `vendor`; `packaging`: bump minimum go-vendor-tools version
  • v1.11.1
    7d0aeffe · Release 1.11.1 ·
    go2rpm 1.11.1
    - **`rpmname`: fix use_new_versioning regex**
    - `.gitignore`: add missing setuptools build directories
    - `init`: correct `__version__` constant
    - ``: fix metadata for upload to PyPI
  • v1.12.0
    58e2b332 · Release 1.12.0 ·
    go2rpm 1.12.0
    - `doc`: extend README file (@mikelolasagasti)
    - **`main`: add `vendor` profile and integrate go-vendor-tools**
    - `main`: add `--no-clean flag` and use it in tests
    - `main`: add `-V/--go2rpm-version` flag
    - **`main`: add `--download` flag to download sources**
    - `tests`: add basic pytest unit tests
    - `init`: correct `__version__` constant
    - `packaging`: switch to `flit_core` and adopt PEP 621 metadata
    - `cli`: print error message to stderr
    - **`rpmname`: fix `use_new_versioning` regex for multi-number suffixes**
  • v1.11.0
    go2rpm 1.10.0
    Maxwell G (3):
          cli: add --print-name flag to debug `rpmname()`
          rpmname: fix naming of go import paths with multi-character versions
          templates: use `%goprep -A` flag by default
    Mikel Olasagasti Uranga (1):
          templates: remove unneeded `%global goname`
  • v1.10.0
    go2rpm 1.10.0
    Robert-André Mauchin (1):
          Fix goname generation to match versioning guildelines
  • v1.9.0
    f86a2980 · Release 1.9.0 ·
    go2rpm 1.9.0
    Leonardo Rossetti (1):
    - Fix spelling error in the %gometa -f specfile warning comment.
    Maxwell G (2):
    - Add `-d` / `--create-directory` flag** to output specfiles to
      NAME/NAME.spec. This emulates the distgit layout and makes it easier
      to organize specfiles and prepare them for review.
    - templates: use %autopatch -p1 to automatically apply patches.
      It's recommended to use %autosetup to setup the build directory and
      automatically apply patches. For Go packages, %goprep is used instead of
      %autosetup. %goprep calls %setup under the hood like %autosetup does,
      but it doesn't apply patches. Let's add %autopatch to preform the second
      part so Go packagers don't resort to manual %patch calls. Hopefully,
      this will also prevent people from accidentally using [deprecated] %patchN
    Mikel Olasagasti Uranga (1):
    - Add --name flag to set goname and spec name.
      This is useful for Go applications where the specfile's Name: should
      be the application name.
    New Contributors
    Thank you to @lrossett and @mikelo2 for your contributions!
  • v1.8.2
    bfad48f8 · Release 1.8.2 ·
    go2rpm 1.8.2
    Maxwell G (1):
          Use uppercase AND as the license delimiter as per SPDX spec
  • v1.8.1
    ff8530fc · Release 1.8.1 ·
    go2rpm 1.8.1
    Maxwell G (1):
          Remove rust2rpm requirement from
  • v1.8.0
    e426c2cf · Release 1.8.0 ·
    go2rpm 1.8.0
    Maxwell G (9):
          Use %%gometa -f by default
          Remove old rust2rpm licensing import
          template: Remove leading newline from %description
          Make contradictory arguments mutually exclusive
          Add argument to disable rpmautospec
          Fix jinja2 deprecation warning
          Add --no-spec-warnings argument
  • 1.7.0
    9aeb3914 · Release 1.7.0 ·
  • v1.7.0
    9aeb3914 · Release 1.7.0 ·
  • v1.6.1
  • v1.6.0
    5a5ef55c · Add forge ·
  • v1.5.0
    4aaaa6b3 · Sync goname regex ·
  • v1.4.2
  • 1.4.1
  • v1.4
    841a4afe · Rework source fetching ·
    Release 1.4
    Rework source fetching
  • v1.3
    Release 1.3
    Drop vendored copy of licensing module