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go2rpm 1.9.0


Leonardo Rossetti (1):
- Fix spelling error in the %gometa -f specfile warning comment.


Maxwell G (2):
- Add `-d` / `--create-directory` flag** to output specfiles to
  NAME/NAME.spec. This emulates the distgit layout and makes it easier
  to organize specfiles and prepare them for review.
- templates: use %autopatch -p1 to automatically apply patches.
  It's recommended to use %autosetup to setup the build directory and
  automatically apply patches. For Go packages, %goprep is used instead of
  %autosetup. %goprep calls %setup under the hood like %autosetup does,
  but it doesn't apply patches. Let's add %autopatch to preform the second
  part so Go packagers don't resort to manual %patch calls. Hopefully,
  this will also prevent people from accidentally using [deprecated] %patchN


Mikel Olasagasti Uranga (1):
- Add --name flag to set goname and spec name.
  This is useful for Go applications where the specfile's Name: should
  be the application name.

New Contributors

Thank you to @lrossett and @mikelo2 for your contributions!