apply for Azure credits to open source projects
Microsoft is giving Azure credits to open source projects:
@proletarius101 said he'd want to manage this, so I'm writing up the application.
1.Open source project name
2.URL for project repository
3.Your name ?
4.Your email (All communications about your application will be sent to this address.)
Maybe here? I forget who is on that now. Could be whatever.
5.URL for project's Code of Conduct Please ensure this URL includes information about the enforcement process for your Code of Conduct.
6.Project license
GPLv3 and Apache-2.0
7.We'd like to learn about your project. Please tell us, in 3-4 sentences, what problem(s) your project is focused on solving, what technology your project improves, and/or what people your project is working to help.
F-Droid is both a repository of verified free software Android apps as well as a whole “app store kit”, providing all the tools needed to setup and run an app store. F-Droid is pioneering reproducible builds for Android. We have a release process based on reproducible builds for shipping apps on On top of that, our full buildserver stack is available for use by any project that wants to automate reproducible builds of Android apps written in any language.
This stack fully reproducible itself, built with tools like Ansible. Anyone with access to the app's source code can verify a release by spinning up our stack in the cloud and running the build. This fully automates mass builds and mass verification of releases.
8.Why are you applying for Azure credits? What do you plan to use the credits for?
These credits will let us support Azure in our stack, on top of VirtualBox, libvirt, and Docker. It will also provide app authors who want to work on reproducible builds a pre-prepared build environment to work in.
9.Does your project currently receive any other funding from other sources? If so, from where and for what purposes? (Enter "N/A" if not applicable to your project)
- We receive direct donations from contributors on the internet
- OSUOSL provides 5 servers for us
- provides 2 VMs
- FOSShost provides 2 VMs
10.Does your project currently receive any other funding from Microsoft? If so, from what team(s) or project(s)?
F-Droid has not received funding from Microsoft.