Projects with this topic
Макросы для MS Word для автоматизации различных прикладных задач
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This Visual Basic source code library (VB and VBA, but not VB-Dotnet) contains many small functions and some classes to solve certain problems, that may have troubled you in the past.
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Old school snake game in Microsoft Office Excel
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Demo VBA application/template illustrating MVP design pattern backed by persistent storage
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DllManager facilitates VBA function calls to non-system DLL libraries.
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SQLite library for VBA wrapping ADODB and SQLite C-language API.
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Sync RDVBA virtual project structure and references
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The ObjectStore class simulates weak references via a Dictionary-based store and scalar keys as object handles.
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Parses delimited files (CSV) using pure VBA or Excel assisted VBA.
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Automatisation formulaire en continu avec tri sur colonne
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This project contains VBA class modules to send Toast notifications to users.
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ThermoProp Toolpack VBA Excel Add-in is MS Excel add-in that allows user to get thermodynamic properties of components and mixtures of gases contained in natural gas, air, exhaust gas and nobel gases.
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Create a json file with Excel file names and sheet names within a folder
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Generate a Solidworks part from it's template via Excel
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Generate a CAD part from it's template via Html
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Computer Aided Design programs (Autocad, Catia, SolidWorks) and Excel macros written with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)