Projects with this topic
A browser extension that improves the Reddit chat experience on mobile
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Black theme for Reddit, also remove ad of premium and bottom-right block with languages and other Reddit company links.
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Simple, fast and free alternative Reddit front-end.
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Image gallery client built to streamline collection management and content discovery
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Read-the-things-tui (rttt) lets you read the things from the terminal. The things currently include RSS/Atom, hackernews and Reddit. It is a terminal application written in C++ and originally based on hnterm
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This is a simple Discord bot intended to post the three most upvoted images of a given subreddit every 24 hours, along with a randomized message. Feel free to self-host it.
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Searches for new Formula 1 torrents posted on r/MotorsportsReplays and sends them to Transmission for downloading.
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a command-line interface for Reddit written in POSIX sh
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A WordPress plugin for making your website work like Reddit.
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Redirects searches for a subreddit directly to the respective subreddit on Reddit. For example, a search for r/memes will be redirected to the Memes subreddit instead of search results.
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Guide to privacy settings for most major softwares and services.
Read-only mirror of
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mirror for teddit an alternative frontend for reddit
source code:
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mirror for libreddit - an alternative private frontend to Reddit
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Custom stylesheet to use the San Francisco webfont across Reddit.
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A Moderation Log for Subreddit Moderators with Both Public and Private Interfaces
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A containerized version of Shreddit.
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The most complete bot for moderation, utility, and fun in Reddit Chat.