Projects with this topic
Application of Quality Diversity optimization to the process of autoconfiguration of metaheuristics
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Small experiment about applying explainable AI to metaheuristics in meta-qdo
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"n" dimensional input with "m" objectives example of a Pareto front with the BOSS code. In these examples we reproduce the pareto front as produced by mathlab in the link below "" For 3D inputs and 3 objectives, we try to reproduce these results The difference in these methods is that here we calculate the pareto front using GP functions with an RBF kernel.
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recommoonder: Algorithmic recomender for multi-objective optimization based on semantic technologies
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moody (Multi-Objective Optimization ontologY) is a OWL2 ontology aiming to provide the ontology model to allow the semantic consolidation of the data related to multi-objective optimization experiments, including algorithms, problems and quality indicators.
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moorphology: Characterization of Continuous Multi Objective Problems by their landscape
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An integration in jMetal 6 of the COCO problem suite utilizing the official bindings.
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Projet de développement d'un modèle basé sur l'élicitation incrémentale et une recherche locale pour résoudre le problème du sac à dos multi-objectifs.