Projects with this topic
git-gamble is a tool that blends TDD (Test Driven Development) + TCR (test && commit || revert) to make sure to develop the right thing
😌 , baby step by baby step👶 🦶Updated -
Documentation/landing page for the FireDragon browser
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Documentation for Passgen, hosted at
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docker image with mdbook and a lot of plugins for it
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mdbook website for rating movies and TV shows
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The home of Ratio's Computer Aided Systems Engineering Guide and the Elephant Specification Language .
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Plugin for mdBook which lets you run commands in Docker containers and emit the output in the book.
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Đây là mẫu dự án viết sách sử dụng mdbook của Đa Vương Nguyên.
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mdbook website for keeping notes about technology
mirror of
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My wiki powered by mdbook (markdown wiki with rust)
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mdBook on how to create and host a mdBook on GitLab.
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mdBook repo featuring Gitlab CI + Review Apps + Route Map + mdbook-linkcheck