Projects with this topic
This project creates full-stack platform-specific downloadable packages for GitLab.
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This project is home to the OpenTofu CI/CD component and it's related assets, like the gitlab-tofu wrapper script and OCI images containing that script together with an OpenTofu version.
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GitLab Analyzer for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) projects that calls kics. This analyzer is written in Go using the command library shared by all analyzers.
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Automated scripts useful for creating advanced GitLab installations
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A terraform project to allow running Bitwarden for a low cost within AWS. It will turn off between predetermined times at night, and retains 14 days of backups through the use of S3 Object Versioning
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Bot slack permettant de demander gentillement à un collègue d'emmener des croissants
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This terraform module sets up an AWS Lambda Function.
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Setups a Grafana instance in a given ECS Cluster
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Sets up an ECS task and service to run in a given ECS cluster
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This module creates an ECS Cluster with Capacity Provider of EC2 instances.