Projects with this topic
Рассматриваем стандарт ES6, который наиболее полно описывает современный JavaScript
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HTML5 + CSS3 + ES6Updated
Creating tools to explore bike transit data
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"Branch" - built with JavaScript (ES6), CSS grid, flex boxes, SVG animation;
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Advanced Web Design 2019 [Напреден Веб Дизајн 2019]
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A clone of twitter UI using React Library (basic 'tweeting') functionality.
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Going deeper in Redux within React applications showing techniques, redux-saga, usage tips, samples and some magics too!
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Form management, behaviour and validation using Material UI within React stateful scope
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A Wordpress theme framework for modern teams and workflows. This framework ready for modern Javascript, and Sass using webpack.
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Building a toy web framework to practice and explore NodeJS and new Javascript syntaxes (presently ES6).
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✈ ️ This is a simple SPA aiming to filter and to search for tours delivered by a simple json dataUpdated -
Hangman built with React and Spring Boot!
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Front-end of bid management platform for construction industry
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