Projects with this topic
BIL635 - Modified Version of "Finding a Target with Zero-shot Invariant and Efficient Visual Search"
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BIL635 - Modified Version of "Finding a Target with Zero-shot Invariant and Efficient Visual Search" v2
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Introduction to classification using machine learning and deep learning (PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras)
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CS 7643 — Spring 2019 Project
Goal: learn more about the underlying deep learning model of GPT2: the Transformer model and, more broadly, the attention mechanism.
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Example showing the use of a pretrained classification network. See also the available tutorials on the SICK support portal. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #machine-learning #deep-learning #neural-network #sample #sick-appspace
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Example showing the use of a pretrained classification network together with an EdgeMatcher to inspect multiple image regions. See also the available tutorials on the SICK support portal. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #machine-learning #deep-learning #neural-network #sample #sick-appspace #edgematcher #locator #matching
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An OpenAI Gym for Shopping Cart Reinforcement Learning.
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A simplified version of "Cliffworld" in an OpenAI Gym Environment
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Biblioteca para adição de mais acessibilidade em páginas da web através de Deep Learning.
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Joule is a dataset uploader/hoster/downloader.
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Examples demonstrating Kullback-Leibler divergence.
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Fine tunning of a deep neural network (using convolutionnal layers) to reconize a digit from a picture of an handwritten one.
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✭ MAGNETRON ™ ✭: Detectron2 is a platform for PROXIA that can do POSE ESTIMATION, object detection, segmentation and other visual recognition tasks.
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📚 📐 Repository to historically learn about step-by-step mathematics for machine learning.Updated -
3D Hand Pose Estimation using Multi-View CNNs
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Programming Assignments of Neural Networks and Deep Learning course of in coursera
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Test project for neural networks - Handwritten digit recognition on MNIST dataset
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Classifier to assign label to particle
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Mobile app providing prepaid phone card fast and easy scanning. Also available on