Projects with this topic
Add support for Distant Horizons to your Bukkit server.
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Multi-Spigot-Versions Lasers Enigma Plugin
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Craft the generator block, place it and one block above it will generate any block with any possible drop at fixed rate (everything can be configured)
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Plugin allowing users to create help requests for administrators about something wrong noticed on server.
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Place a special sign that, when interacting, will teleport the player to any available place on the map
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Players can try their bests to beat a prepared path with obstacles, difficult jumps, ladders and so on. Time, medals, checkpoints, everything is provided.
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Add 4chan-style quoting to Minecraft server chat
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Block commands on bungeecord and bukkit with regex and permissions
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Tablist is a simple Tablist plugin for Minecraft.
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Links Home Assistant entities to Minecraft redstone blocks.
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RedEyeOrb is an implementation of Dark Souls 3 Red Eye Orb.
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A lightweight plugin for minecraft that protects renamed player items from dropping after death.
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Implementation of Dark Souls Carvings mechanics.
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Fork of ExtraHardMode Plugin made for Minecraft: Prepare To Die Edition ⓒ with new features.