Projects with this topic
A list to block all domains that belong to Axel Springer SE in any way.
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With over 1900000 blocked domains used by ads that my amazing AI put up together. The AI is like a loyal dog, trained to find those ads, sniffing the ground, running in every direction working hard, sweating like a champ! This is THE list.
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Simple system-wide adblocker
Mirror of:
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Companion application for YouTube that will save you time by skipping Ad or blocking you from doom scrolling YouTube Shorts
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Replace #Ads with nice gradients from Works on: #Pinterest #LinkedIn
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CoreDNS with filter and resolver elements built-in.
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Block web comments - improve mental health and recover your belief in humanity -
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DomainVoider is dedicated to providing AdGuard Pro for iOS users with a custom built, privacy & security focused, simplified ad-blocking filter. Included are active malware domains from
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reklam amaçlı ve sahte içerikli pdf sitelerini engelle. GitHub mirror:
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Blocks Amazon and affiliated Domains.
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Brave's Rust-based adblock engine
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An FFI crate to expose functionality from brave/adblock-rust
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Simple cross-platform python script for generating host files to block ads, trackers and other nasty things.
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Hosts file, simplified 'adblock' style list, AdGuard & uBlock Origin rulesets to block digital holdings of Facebook & Facebook Shadow Corporations including Giphy, MessengerKids & Facebookfromschool.
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Collection of custom filters that I've made myself for the betterment of the internet and filters I use personally. Everyone is welcome to contribute to this project.
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Some custom uBlock Origin/AdBlock Plus rules to make life online easier (or just nicer to look at). You'll need the appropriate plugin for your browser to use this.