Projects with this topic
Mobile application for Android and IO's aimed at saving economic and human resources during crop production and agricultural seasons .
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MLB Companion is a React Native/Expo app that delivers real-time, AI-driven commentary for Major League Baseball games. It leverages Google Cloud Functions, Firestore, and WebSockets to provide live updates, push notifications, and seamless user interaction (text and voice chat). Whether users want casual insights or expert-level analysis, MLB Companion adapts to their baseball knowledge to offer an engaging and personalized experience.
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Take-home assignment for Thinkle x React Native.
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O projeto é um aplicativo desenvolvido em React Native com TypeScript, projetado para permitir que os usuários interajam diretamente com a aplicação. A aplicação se conecta ao back-end por meio de uma API RESTful, utilizando endpoints específicos para carregar, inserir, atualizar e deletar dados conforme necessário. Os dados são organizados para fornecer uma experiência de usuário fluida e gameficada.
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This project is mobile cross-platform application developed using React Native library and Typescript language. The application serves as git client for managing remote repositories directly from your phone.
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FastMove React Native (Expo) mobile app. Take less decisions by having an ideal AI clone for you!
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O BookFlow React Native é uma aplicação móvel desenvolvida em React Native para o projeto BookFlow. Este aplicativo permite aos usuários interagir com o sistema de gerenciamento de livros desenvolvido como parte do projeto BookFlow. Através do aplicativo, os usuários podem visualizar, cadastrar e emprestar livros físicos, além de gerenciar suas informações e interagir com outros usuários no mapa.
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Simple React Native app for displaying songs with chords.
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