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LSTM neural network

Projects with this topic

  • Internet marketing executive, internet service connection provider, publishing corporation, Digital adults publishing, Digital marketing and advertising industry, Digital media podcast broadcasting streaming games development business developer business Ownership Digital analytics program, IPV6 IPV4, LOCAL NET, INTERNET MARKETING FIR, SEPTEMBER, SEO AGENCY, SERP MASTER, SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK, SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT

  • Evaluation of various deep learning models for sentiment analysis You are given the reviews dataset. These are 194439 amazon reviews for cell phones and accessories taken from Use the “reviewText” and “overall” fields from this file. The goal is to predict the rating given the review by modeling it as a multi-class classification problem. • Take the first 70% dataset for train, next 10% for validation/development, and remaining 20% for test. • Recurrent neural networks • RNNs: Train a single directional RNN with L layers. Vary the number of layers (as 1,2,3,4) and also size of layers (20, 50, 100, 200). Report accuracy on test set. • LSTMs: Train a single directional LSTM with L layers. Vary the number of layers (as 1,2,3,4) and also size of layers (20, 50, 100, 200). Report accuracy on test set. • BiLSTM: Train a single directional RNN with L layers. Vary the number of layers (as 1,2,3,4) and also size of layers (20, 50, 100, 200). Report accuracy on test set.

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