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Breaking changes
 - Activate "web history" mode for VueJS application routes. Update your favorites.

New features
 - Introduce the harvesting system. Feedback welcome.
 - Timeline: create a page to display all the observations and tasks
 - Timeline (shared maps): create a page to display all the observations
 - Observations: add button to create observations from observation modal
 - Observations: add buttons to edit/destroy observations
 - Tasks: add filter to display done tasks

 - Patches: Display interactions when adding resources
 - Serve Ubuntu font
 - Admin: Add link to create new resource from genus' show view
 - Admin: Add link to create new genus from family's show view
 - Task form: Add a checkbox to choose whether to complete tasks in the past as done

 - Resources: Fix hardcoded header
 - Garden: Fix path drawing tool not... drawing
 - Observations: Fix displayed picture size on Chrome
 - Shared map: Fix button to toggle side panel on mobile