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Add Path for AVP demo


Add test path for AVP demo.

You can test the trajectory with the following commands.

terminal 1: run LGSVL
RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp /opt/lgsvl/simulator

terminal 2: 
$ ros2 launch autoware_auto_avp_demo

terminal 3: 
$ ros2 action send_goal /planning/replaytrajectory recordreplay_planner_actions/action/ReplayTrajectory "{replay_path: "/home/<user>/AutowareAuto/src/tools/autoware_auto_avp_demo/data/autonomoustuff_parking_lot_lgsvl.path"}" --feedback

Note: This velocity is not tuned, so this is a temporal only for simulation.

Edited by takamasa horibe

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