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  • Mor'ladim's avatar
    -Splintergun L3 novas have slightly increased damage, but a shorter duration.... · 884b6e66
    Mor'ladim authored
    -Splintergun L3 novas have slightly increased damage, but a shorter duration. Their alpha has also been reduced slightly.
    -Electrocutioner damage has been adjusted for the main projectile and taser.
    -Force Wave will no longer trigger its auto shot feature when switching to the weapon while in the Status Panel.
    -Elite Signets can no longer be sold.
    -Elite Signets are now auto picked up and used once the first one collected has been activated, except every fifth.
    -Equipment item reroll cost increased.
    -Fixed Bloodletter Magnum: Blood Drive equipment bonus being marked as stackable.
    -Increased power of Unstoppable equipment bonus.
    -Max level Alpha equipment items now display a level beam.