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  • Jon Badiali's avatar
    [YottaDB/DB/YDBDoc#355] Created basic web application using Python wrapper (YDBApron) · 2d9198e1
    Jon Badiali authored
    YottaDB/DB/YDBDoc#355 requests the creation of an Applications Manual demonstrating how to use YottaDB to build applications in a variety of domains. One of these domains is web application development.
    To satisfy the request for a web application using YottaDB, this commit implements a simple recipe application named YDBApron using the YDBPython for database operations and the Flask web development framework for application logic.
    Since YDBApron is a fully functional, self-contained application, there are no discrete changes to log in this commit.
    So, instead of going through line-by-line changes, this commit message simply provides an overview of the application itself as well as its data model.
    YDBApron is a simple [Model-View-Controller (MVC)]( application that uses a conventional Flask application structure:
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