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Release v1.4.26

Antenore Gatta (tmow) requested to merge rel/v1.4.26 into master

Release v1.4.25

This a quite important release as we got many good improvements:

  1. A Python plugin/API (you can write Remmina plugins in Python now!!!) @ToolsDevler
  2. X11 Forward for the SSH plugin @marco.fortina
  3. Kiosk improvements and new command lines options @marco.fortina
  4. And many more see the details just after!

List of changes

Developer checklist

  • Did you change the version in CMakeLists.txt, data/desktop/org.remmina.Remmina.appdata.xml, po/remmina.pot and Doxyfile ?
  • Did you update the file ?
  • Did you update the authors list in data/ui/ ?

/cc @bkohler @larchunix @slaanesh @jweberhofer @tukusejssirs @kingu @ToolsDevler @raghavgururajan @marco.fortina

Edited by Antenore Gatta (tmow)

Merge request reports