OpenMW-cs does not have "persistant" checkbox for activators, creatures and may be some more world objects.
Also saving a plugin (edited or created in other tools) with such flag removes this flag from objects. Probably only when said object was edited in openmw-cs.
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Ivan Ivanchanged the descriptionCompare with previous version
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psi29achanged title from OpenMW-cs does not have "persistant" checkbox for activators, also saving a plugin removes this flag to OpenMW-CS does not have "persistant" checkbox for activators, also saving a plugin removes this flag
changed title from OpenMW-cs does not have "persistant" checkbox for activators, also saving a plugin removes this flag to OpenMW-CS does not have "persistant" checkbox for activators, also saving a plugin removes this flag
@ChaosWarrior Not sure what we can do here since OpenMW doesn't have any notion of "persistant", it simply isn't used. Considering that OpenMW-CS is meant to be used with OpenMW and not Morrowind.exe, I'm not sure what we can do here.
[OpenMW-CS] will currently mark every reference of every cell as persistent, heavily bloating memory usage in vanilla engine and potentially causing unrelated scripts (even from other plugins) to break.
Is this accurate? If we do indeed "mark every reference of every cell as persistent", but we don't actually use the flag, then it would just be a case of flipping whatever our current default behavior would be, right? That would benefit the vanilla engine without causing any impact to OpenMW.
Short answer, no that won't work. Here's the rundown from Greatness7:
if curious about what NAM0 does; It is the TEMP_REFS divider you can see in the TESCS details window. When launching Morrowind collects and merges all cells defined in plugins. During this process it will create persistent references in memory for all the things placed in said cells. This would take up a shitload of memory though, so it has this 'temp refs' marker, which is implemented via the NAM0 subrecord that supplies a integer signifying how many of the following references are temp refs and thus don't need to be kept in memory. Since OMW currently doesn't create this when saving plugin it means MW will keep all refs in all cells the omwaddon provided in memory. Other than performance implications, this can also influence how scripts works, since ObjectID->Function in mwscript searches for the first loaded reference of matching id (which now since all references are loaded could be one in a cell you never visited).
the solution is, when saving the cell you can partition the reference list into two. One for persistent refs (anything marked with "reference persists" flag and any NPC/CREA/LinkedDoor which are implicitly ref-persists), and then another section for everything else (the temp refs). And then save them in that order, inserting the NAM0 before the first temp ref.
The scope of work here is larger than OP describes and purely only affects Morrowind.exe; not OpenMW. If someone wishes to work on this to add support in OpenMW-CS, it will remove a key blocker for use of OpenMW-CS in larger modding projects, like TR at the cost of slightly larger omwgame/omwaddon size. While the intent is not to replicate the original CS, keeping OpenMW-CS for OpenMW; there is some benefit for having it in the hands of modders/developers who are still modding for Morrowine.exe.