Select Git revision
David Vorick authoredDavid Vorick authored
update.go 10.01 KiB
package host
// TODO: Need to check that 'RevisionConfirmed' is sensitive to whether or not
// it was the *most recent* revision that got confirmed.
import (
// initRescan is a helper function of initConsensusSubscribe, and is called when
// the host and the consensus set have become desynchronized. Desynchronization
// typically happens if the user is replacing or altering the persistent files
// in the consensus set or the host.
func (h *Host) initRescan() error {
// Reset all of the variables that have relevance to the consensus set.
var allObligations []storageObligation
// Reset all of the consensus-relevant variables in the host.
h.blockHeight = 0
// Reset all of the storage obligations.
err := h.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
bsu := tx.Bucket(bucketStorageObligations)
c := bsu.Cursor()
for k, soBytes := c.First(); soBytes != nil; k, soBytes = c.Next() {
var so storageObligation
err := json.Unmarshal(soBytes, &so)
if err != nil {
return err
so.OriginConfirmed = false
so.RevisionConfirmed = false
so.ProofConfirmed = false
allObligations = append(allObligations, so)
soBytes, err = json.Marshal(so)
if err != nil {
return err
err = bsu.Put(k, soBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Subscribe to the consensus set. This is a blocking call that will not
// return until the host has fully caught up to the current block.
// Convention dictates that the host should not make external calls while
// under lock, but this function happens at startup while blocking. Because
// it happens while blocking, and because there is no actual host lock held
// at this time, none of the host external functions are exposed, so it is
// save to make the exported call.
err = h.cs.ConsensusSetSubscribe(h, modules.ConsensusChangeBeginning)
if err != nil {
return err
} {
// Re-queue all of the action items for the storage obligations.
for i, so := range allObligations {
soid :=
err1 := h.queueActionItem(h.blockHeight+resubmissionTimeout, soid)
err2 := h.queueActionItem(so.expiration()-revisionSubmissionBuffer, soid)
err3 := h.queueActionItem(so.expiration()+resubmissionTimeout, soid)
err = composeErrors(err1, err2, err3)
if err != nil {
h.log.Println("dropping storage obligation during rescan, id",
// AcceptTransactionSet needs to be called in a goroutine to avoid a
// deadlock.
go func(i int) {
err := h.tpool.AcceptTransactionSet(allObligations[i].OriginTransactionSet)
if err != nil {
h.log.Println("Unable to submit contract transaction set after rescan:", soid)
return nil
// initConsensusSubscription subscribes the host to the consensus set.
func (h *Host) initConsensusSubscription() error {
// Convention dictates that the host should not make external calls while
// under lock, but this function happens at startup while blocking. Because
// it happens while blocking, and because there is no actual host lock held
// at this time, none of the host external functions are exposed, so it is
// save to make the exported call.
err := h.cs.ConsensusSetSubscribe(h, h.recentChange)
if err == modules.ErrInvalidConsensusChangeID {
// Perform a rescan of the consensus set if the change id that the host
// has is unrecognized by the consensus set. This will typically only
// happen if the user has been replacing files inside the Sia folder
// structure.
return h.initRescan()
if err != nil {
return err
} {
return nil
// ProcessConsensusChange will be called by the consensus set every time there
// is a change to the blockchain.
func (h *Host) ProcessConsensusChange(cc modules.ConsensusChange) {
// Add is called at the beginning of the function, but Done cannot be
// called until all of the threads spawned by this function have also
// terminated. This function should not block while these threads wait to
// terminate.
// Wrap the whole parsing into a single large database tx to keep things
// efficient.
var actionItems []types.FileContractID
err := h.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
for _, block := range cc.RevertedBlocks {
// Look for transactions relevant to open storage obligations.
for _, txn := range block.Transactions {
// Check for file contracts.
if len(txn.FileContracts) > 0 {
for j := range txn.FileContracts {
fcid := txn.FileContractID(uint64(j))
so, err := getStorageObligation(tx, fcid)
if err != nil {
// The storage folder may not exist, or the disk
// may be having trouble. Either way, we ignore the
// problem. If the disk is having trouble, the user
// will have to perform a rescan.
so.OriginConfirmed = false
err = putStorageObligation(tx, so)
if err != nil {
// Check for file contract revisions.
if len(txn.FileContractRevisions) > 0 {
for _, fcr := range txn.FileContractRevisions {
so, err := getStorageObligation(tx, fcr.ParentID)
if err != nil {
// The storage folder may not exist, or the disk
// may be having trouble. Either way, we ignore the
// problem. If the disk is having trouble, the user
// will have to perform a rescan.
so.RevisionConfirmed = false
err = putStorageObligation(tx, so)
if err != nil {
// Check for storage proofs.
if len(txn.StorageProofs) > 0 {
for _, sp := range txn.StorageProofs {
// Check database for relevant storage proofs.
so, err := getStorageObligation(tx, sp.ParentID)
if err != nil {
// The storage folder may not exist, or the disk
// may be having trouble. Either way, we ignore the
// problem. If the disk is having trouble, the user
// will have to perform a rescan.
so.ProofConfirmed = false
err = putStorageObligation(tx, so)
if err != nil {
// Height is not adjusted when dealing with the genesis block because
// the default height is 0 and the genesis block height is 0. If
// removing the genesis block, height will already be at height 0 and
// should not update, lest an underflow occur.
if block.ID() != types.GenesisID {
for _, block := range cc.AppliedBlocks {
// Look for transactions relevant to open storage obligations.
for _, txn := range block.Transactions {
// Check for file contracts.
if len(txn.FileContracts) > 0 {
for i := range txn.FileContracts {
fcid := txn.FileContractID(uint64(i))
so, err := getStorageObligation(tx, fcid)
if err != nil {
// The storage folder may not exist, or the disk
// may be having trouble. Either way, we ignore the
// problem. If the disk is having trouble, the user
// will have to perform a rescan.
so.OriginConfirmed = true
err = putStorageObligation(tx, so)
if err != nil {
// Check for file contract revisions.
if len(txn.FileContractRevisions) > 0 {
for _, fcr := range txn.FileContractRevisions {
so, err := getStorageObligation(tx, fcr.ParentID)
if err != nil {
// The storage folder may not exist, or the disk
// may be having trouble. Either way, we ignore the
// problem. If the disk is having trouble, the user
// will have to perform a rescan.
so.RevisionConfirmed = true
err = putStorageObligation(tx, so)
if err != nil {
// Check for storage proofs.
if len(txn.StorageProofs) > 0 {
for _, sp := range txn.StorageProofs {
so, err := getStorageObligation(tx, sp.ParentID)
if err != nil {
// The storage folder may not exist, or the disk
// may be having trouble. Either way, we ignore the
// problem. If the disk is having trouble, the user
// will have to perform a rescan.
so.ProofConfirmed = true
err = putStorageObligation(tx, so)
if err != nil {
// Height is not adjusted when dealing with the genesis block because
// the default height is 0 and the genesis block height is 0. If adding
// the genesis block, height will already be at height 0 and should not
// update.
if block.ID() != types.GenesisID {
// Handle any action items relevant to the current height.
bai := tx.Bucket(bucketActionItems)
heightBytes := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(heightBytes, uint64(h.blockHeight)) // BigEndian used so bolt will keep things sorted automatically.
existingItems := bai.Get(heightBytes)
// From the existing items, pull out a storage obligation.
knownActionItems := make(map[types.FileContractID]struct{})
obligationIDs := make([]types.FileContractID, len(existingItems)/crypto.HashSize)
for i := 0; i < len(existingItems); i += crypto.HashSize {
copy(obligationIDs[i/crypto.HashSize][:], existingItems[i:i+crypto.HashSize])
for _, soid := range obligationIDs {
_, exists := knownActionItems[soid]
if !exists {
actionItems = append(actionItems, soid)
knownActionItems[soid] = struct{}{}
return nil
if err != nil {
for i := range actionItems {
go h.threadedHandleActionItem(actionItems[i])
// Update the host's recent change pointer to point to the most recent
// change.
h.recentChange = cc.ID
// Save the host.
err = h.saveSync()
if err != nil {
h.log.Println("ERROR: could not save during ProcessConsensusChange:", err)