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  • David Vorick's avatar
    update constants · 00cd941f
    David Vorick authored
    the devnet default block target was reduced by a factor of 5 to account
    for the lack of multithreading and the newly common use of the race
    detector during developer testing.
    The default target for testing was raised from 4 hashes to 2 hashes,
    because there are a lot of tests now,  tests get run frequently and with
    different genesis blocks each time, and the hash doesn't match code gets
    plenty of coverage. Less hashing means faster tests, especially when
    building out many many blocks.
    update constants
    David Vorick authored
    the devnet default block target was reduced by a factor of 5 to account
    for the lack of multithreading and the newly common use of the race
    detector during developer testing.
    The default target for testing was raised from 4 hashes to 2 hashes,
    because there are a lot of tests now,  tests get run frequently and with
    different genesis blocks each time, and the hash doesn't match code gets
    plenty of coverage. Less hashing means faster tests, especially when
    building out many many blocks.
constants.go 18.40 KiB
package types

// constants.go contains the Sia constants. Depending on which build tags are
// used, the constants will be initialized to different values.
// CONTRIBUTE: We don't have way to check that the non-test constants are all
// sane, plus we have no coverage for them.

import (


// COMPATv0.4.0 - until the first 10e3 blocks have been archived, CurrentHeight
// is needed to keep code consistent while verifying earlier blocks.
// CurrentHeight is a global variable to help with an upcoming hardfork. When
// the height is less than 12,000, one set of code will be run. When the height
// is greater than 12,000, a different set of code will be run. After the
// hardfork has passed and everyone has upgraded, a checkpoint will be created
// and blocks below 12,000 will never be viewed again.
var CurrentHeight BlockHeight = 0
var CurrentHeightLock sync.Mutex

var (
	BlockSizeLimit   = uint64(2e6)
	RootDepth        = Target{255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255}
	BlockFrequency   BlockHeight
	MaturityDelay    BlockHeight
	GenesisTimestamp Timestamp
	RootTarget       Target

	MedianTimestampWindow  = uint64(11)
	TargetWindow           BlockHeight
	MaxAdjustmentUp        *big.Rat
	MaxAdjustmentDown      *big.Rat
	FutureThreshold        Timestamp
	ExtremeFutureThreshold Timestamp

	SiafundCount     = NewCurrency64(10000)
	SiafundPortion   = big.NewRat(39, 1000)
	SiacoinPrecision = NewCurrency(new(big.Int).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(24), nil))
	InitialCoinbase  = uint64(300e3)
	MinimumCoinbase  uint64

	GenesisSiafundAllocation []SiafundOutput

// init checks which build constant is in place and initializes the variables
// accordingly.
func init() {
	if build.Release == "dev" {
		// 'dev' settings are for small developer testnets, usually on the same
		// computer. Settings are slow enough that a small team of developers
		// can coordinate their actions over a the developer testnets, but fast
		// enough that there isn't much time wasted on waiting for things to
		// happen.
		BlockFrequency = 6                       // 6 seconds: slow enough for developers to see ~each block, fast enough that blocks don't waste time.
		MaturityDelay = 10                       // 60 seconds before a delayed output matures.
		GenesisTimestamp = Timestamp(1424139000) // Change as necessary.
		RootTarget = Target{0, 0, 20}            // Standard developer CPUs will be able to mine blocks with the race library activated.

		TargetWindow = 40                        // Difficulty is adjusted based on prior 40 blocks.
		MaxAdjustmentUp = big.NewRat(120, 100)   // Difficulty adjusts quickly.
		MaxAdjustmentDown = big.NewRat(100, 120) // Difficulty adjusts quickly.
		FutureThreshold = 2 * 60                 // 2 minutes.
		ExtremeFutureThreshold = 4 * 60          // 4 minutes.
		MinimumCoinbase = 30e3

		GenesisSiafundAllocation = []SiafundOutput{
				Value:      NewCurrency64(2000),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{214, 166, 197, 164, 29, 201, 53, 236, 106, 239, 10, 158, 127, 131, 20, 138, 63, 221, 230, 16, 98, 247, 32, 77, 210, 68, 116, 12, 241, 89, 27, 223},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(7000),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{209, 246, 228, 60, 248, 78, 242, 110, 9, 8, 227, 248, 225, 216, 163, 52, 142, 93, 47, 176, 103, 41, 137, 80, 212, 8, 132, 58, 241, 189, 2, 17},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1000),
				UnlockHash: UnlockConditions{}.UnlockHash(),
	} else if build.Release == "testing" {
		// 'testing' settings are for automatic testing, and create much faster
		// environments than a humand can interact with.
		BlockFrequency = 1 // As fast as possible
		MaturityDelay = 3
		GenesisTimestamp = CurrentTimestamp()
		RootTarget = Target{128} // Takes an expected 2 hashes; very fast for testing but still probes 'bad hash' code.

		// A restrictive difficulty clamp prevents the difficulty from climbing
		// during testing, as the resolution on the difficulty adjustment is
		// only 1 second and testing mining should be happening substantially
		// faster than that.
		TargetWindow = 200
		MaxAdjustmentUp = big.NewRat(10001, 10000)
		MaxAdjustmentDown = big.NewRat(9999, 10000)
		FutureThreshold = 3        // 3 seconds
		ExtremeFutureThreshold = 6 // 6 seconds

		MinimumCoinbase = 299990 // Minimum coinbase is hit after 10 blocks to make testing minimum-coinbase code easier.

		GenesisSiafundAllocation = []SiafundOutput{
				Value:      NewCurrency64(2000),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{214, 166, 197, 164, 29, 201, 53, 236, 106, 239, 10, 158, 127, 131, 20, 138, 63, 221, 230, 16, 98, 247, 32, 77, 210, 68, 116, 12, 241, 89, 27, 223},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(7000),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{209, 246, 228, 60, 248, 78, 242, 110, 9, 8, 227, 248, 225, 216, 163, 52, 142, 93, 47, 176, 103, 41, 137, 80, 212, 8, 132, 58, 241, 189, 2, 17},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1000),
				UnlockHash: UnlockConditions{}.UnlockHash(),
	} else if build.Release == "standard" {
		// 'standard' settings are for the full network. They are slow enough
		// that the network is secure in a real-world byzantine environment.

		// A block time of 1 block per 10 minutes is chosen to follow Bitcoin's
		// example. The security lost by lowering the block time is not
		// insignificant, and the convenience gained by lowering the blocktime
		// even down to 90 seconds is not significant. I do feel that 10
		// minutes could even be too short, but it has worked well for Bitcoin.
		BlockFrequency = 600

		// Payouts take 1 day to mature. This is to prevent a class of double
		// spending attacks parties unintentionally spend coins that will stop
		// existing after a blockchain reorganization. There are multiple
		// classes of payouts in Sia that depend on a previous block - if that
		// block changes, then the output changes and the previously existing
		// output ceases to exist. This delay stops both unintentional double
		// spending and stops a small set of long-range mining attacks.
		MaturityDelay = 144
		// The genesis timestamp is set to June 6th, because that is when the
		// 100-block developer premine started. The trailing zeroes are a
		// bonus, and make the timestamp easier to memorize.
		GenesisTimestamp = Timestamp(1433600000) // June 6th, 2015 @ 2:13pm UTC.

		// The RootTarget was set such that the developers could reasonable
		// premine 100 blocks in a day. It was known to the developrs at launch
		// this this was at least one and perhaps two orders of magnitude too
		// small.
		RootTarget = Target{0, 0, 0, 0, 32}

		// When the difficulty is adjusted, it is adjusted by looking at the
		// timestamp of the 1000th previous block. This minimizes the abilities
		// of miners to attack the network using rogue timestamps.
		TargetWindow = 1e3

		// The difficutly adjustment is clamped to 2.5x every 500 blocks. This
		// corresponds to 6.25x every 2 weeks, which can be compared to
		// Bitcoin's clamp of 4x every 2 weeks. The difficulty clamp is
		// primarily to stop difficulty raising attacks. Sia's safety margin is
		// similar to Bitcoin's despite the looser clamp because Sia's
		// difficulty is adjusted four times as often. This does result in
		// greater difficulty oscillation, a tradeoff that was chosen to be
		// acceptable due to Sia's more vulnerable position as an altcoin.
		MaxAdjustmentUp = big.NewRat(25, 10)
		MaxAdjustmentDown = big.NewRat(10, 25)

		// Blocks will not be accepted if their timestamp is more than 3 hours
		// into the future, but will be accepted as soon as they are no longer
		// 3 hours into the future. Blocks that are greater than 5 hours into
		// the future are rejected outright, as it is assumed that by the time
		// 2 hours have passed, those blocks will no longer be on the longest
		// chain. Blocks cannot be kept forever because this opens a DoS
		// vector.
		FutureThreshold = 3 * 60 * 60        // 3 hours.
		ExtremeFutureThreshold = 5 * 60 * 60 // 5 hours.

		// The minimum coinbase is set to 30,000. Because the coinbase
		// decreases by 1 every time, it means that Sia's coinbase will have an
		// increasingly potent dropoff for about 5 years, until inflation more
		// or less permanently settles around 2%.
		MinimumCoinbase = 30e3

		GenesisSiafundAllocation = []SiafundOutput{
				Value:      NewCurrency64(2),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{4, 57, 229, 188, 127, 20, 204, 245, 211, 167, 232, 130, 208, 64, 146, 62, 69, 98, 81, 102, 221, 7, 123, 100, 70, 107, 199, 113, 121, 26, 198, 252},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(6),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{4, 158, 29, 42, 105, 119, 43, 5, 138, 72, 190, 190, 101, 114, 79, 243, 189, 248, 208, 151, 30, 187, 233, 148, 225, 233, 28, 159, 19, 232, 75, 244},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(7),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{8, 7, 66, 250, 25, 74, 247, 108, 162, 79, 220, 151, 202, 228, 241, 11, 130, 138, 13, 248, 193, 167, 136, 197, 65, 63, 234, 174, 205, 216, 71, 230},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(8),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{44, 106, 239, 51, 138, 102, 242, 19, 204, 197, 248, 178, 219, 122, 152, 251, 19, 20, 52, 32, 175, 32, 4, 156, 73, 33, 163, 165, 222, 184, 217, 218},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(3),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{44, 163, 31, 233, 74, 103, 55, 132, 230, 159, 97, 78, 149, 147, 65, 110, 164, 211, 105, 173, 158, 29, 202, 43, 85, 217, 85, 75, 83, 37, 205, 223},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{51, 151, 146, 84, 199, 7, 59, 89, 111, 172, 227, 200, 62, 55, 165, 253, 238, 186, 28, 145, 47, 137, 200, 15, 70, 199, 187, 125, 243, 104, 179, 240},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(10),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{53, 118, 253, 229, 254, 229, 28, 131, 233, 156, 108, 58, 197, 152, 17, 160, 74, 252, 11, 49, 112, 240, 66, 119, 40, 98, 114, 251, 5, 86, 233, 117},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(50),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{56, 219, 3, 50, 28, 3, 166, 95, 141, 163, 202, 35, 60, 199, 219, 10, 151, 176, 228, 97, 176, 133, 189, 33, 211, 202, 83, 197, 31, 208, 254, 193},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(75),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{68, 190, 140, 87, 96, 232, 150, 32, 161, 177, 204, 65, 228, 223, 87, 217, 134, 90, 25, 56, 51, 45, 72, 107, 129, 12, 29, 202, 6, 7, 50, 13},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(10),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{69, 14, 201, 200, 90, 73, 245, 45, 154, 94, 161, 19, 199, 241, 203, 56, 13, 63, 5, 220, 121, 245, 247, 52, 194, 181, 252, 76, 130, 6, 114, 36},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(10),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{72, 128, 253, 207, 169, 48, 1, 26, 237, 205, 169, 102, 196, 224, 42, 186, 95, 151, 59, 226, 203, 136, 251, 223, 165, 38, 88, 110, 47, 213, 121, 224},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(50),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{72, 130, 164, 227, 218, 28, 60, 15, 56, 151, 212, 242, 77, 131, 232, 131, 42, 57, 132, 173, 113, 118, 66, 183, 38, 79, 96, 178, 105, 108, 26, 247},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(10),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{74, 210, 58, 228, 111, 69, 253, 120, 53, 195, 110, 26, 115, 76, 211, 202, 199, 159, 204, 14, 78, 92, 14, 131, 250, 22, 141, 236, 154, 44, 39, 135},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(15),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{85, 198, 154, 41, 196, 116, 226, 114, 202, 94, 214, 147, 87, 84, 247, 164, 195, 79, 58, 123, 26, 33, 68, 65, 116, 79, 181, 241, 241, 208, 215, 184},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(121),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{87, 239, 83, 125, 152, 14, 19, 22, 203, 136, 46, 192, 203, 87, 224, 190, 77, 236, 125, 18, 142, 223, 146, 70, 16, 23, 252, 19, 100, 69, 91, 111},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(222),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{91, 201, 101, 11, 188, 40, 35, 111, 236, 133, 31, 124, 97, 246, 140, 136, 143, 245, 152, 174, 111, 245, 188, 124, 21, 125, 187, 192, 203, 92, 253, 57},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(10),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{110, 240, 238, 173, 78, 138, 185, 138, 179, 227, 135, 153, 54, 132, 46, 62, 226, 206, 204, 35, 174, 107, 156, 15, 142, 2, 93, 132, 163, 60, 50, 89},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(3),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{114, 58, 147, 44, 64, 69, 72, 184, 65, 178, 213, 94, 157, 44, 88, 106, 92, 31, 145, 193, 215, 200, 215, 233, 99, 116, 36, 197, 160, 70, 79, 153},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{123, 106, 229, 101, 220, 252, 50, 203, 38, 183, 133, 152, 250, 167, 210, 155, 252, 102, 150, 29, 187, 3, 178, 53, 11, 145, 143, 33, 166, 115, 250, 40},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(5),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{124, 101, 207, 175, 50, 119, 207, 26, 62, 15, 247, 141, 150, 174, 73, 247, 238, 28, 77, 255, 222, 104, 166, 244, 112, 86, 227, 80, 215, 45, 69, 143},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(10),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{130, 184, 72, 15, 227, 79, 217, 205, 120, 254, 67, 69, 10, 49, 76, 194, 222, 30, 242, 62, 88, 179, 51, 117, 27, 166, 140, 6, 7, 22, 222, 185},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(25),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{134, 137, 198, 172, 96, 54, 45, 10, 100, 128, 91, 225, 226, 134, 143, 108, 31, 70, 187, 228, 54, 212, 70, 229, 149, 57, 64, 166, 153, 123, 238, 180},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{143, 253, 118, 229, 109, 181, 141, 224, 91, 144, 123, 160, 203, 221, 119, 104, 172, 13, 105, 77, 171, 185, 122, 54, 229, 168, 6, 130, 160, 130, 182, 151},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(8),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{147, 108, 249, 16, 36, 249, 108, 184, 196, 212, 241, 120, 219, 63, 45, 184, 86, 53, 96, 207, 130, 96, 210, 251, 136, 9, 193, 160, 131, 198, 221, 185},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(58),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{155, 79, 89, 28, 69, 71, 239, 198, 246, 2, 198, 254, 92, 59, 192, 205, 229, 152, 36, 186, 110, 122, 233, 221, 76, 143, 3, 238, 89, 231, 192, 23},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(2),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{156, 32, 76, 105, 213, 46, 66, 50, 27, 85, 56, 9, 106, 193, 80, 145, 19, 101, 84, 177, 145, 4, 125, 28, 79, 252, 43, 83, 118, 110, 206, 247},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(23),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{157, 169, 134, 24, 254, 22, 58, 188, 119, 87, 201, 238, 55, 168, 194, 131, 88, 18, 39, 168, 37, 2, 198, 194, 93, 202, 116, 146, 189, 17, 108, 44},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(10),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{158, 51, 104, 36, 242, 114, 67, 16, 168, 230, 4, 111, 241, 72, 5, 14, 182, 102, 169, 156, 144, 220, 103, 117, 223, 8, 58, 187, 124, 102, 80, 44},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{160, 175, 59, 33, 223, 30, 82, 60, 34, 110, 28, 203, 249, 93, 3, 16, 218, 12, 250, 206, 138, 231, 85, 67, 69, 191, 68, 198, 160, 87, 154, 68},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(75),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{163, 94, 51, 220, 14, 144, 83, 112, 62, 10, 0, 173, 161, 234, 211, 176, 186, 84, 9, 189, 250, 111, 33, 231, 114, 87, 100, 75, 72, 217, 11, 26},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(3),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{170, 7, 138, 116, 205, 20, 132, 197, 166, 251, 75, 93, 69, 6, 109, 244, 212, 119, 173, 114, 34, 18, 25, 21, 111, 203, 203, 253, 138, 104, 27, 36},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(90),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{173, 120, 128, 104, 186, 86, 151, 140, 191, 23, 231, 193, 77, 245, 243, 104, 196, 55, 155, 243, 111, 15, 84, 139, 148, 187, 173, 47, 104, 69, 141, 39},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(20),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{179, 185, 228, 166, 139, 94, 13, 193, 255, 227, 174, 99, 120, 105, 109, 221, 247, 4, 155, 243, 229, 37, 26, 98, 222, 12, 91, 80, 223, 33, 61, 56},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(5),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{193, 49, 103, 20, 170, 135, 182, 85, 149, 18, 159, 194, 152, 120, 162, 208, 49, 158, 220, 188, 114, 79, 1, 131, 62, 27, 86, 57, 244, 46, 64, 66},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{196, 71, 45, 222, 0, 21, 12, 121, 197, 224, 101, 65, 40, 57, 19, 119, 112, 205, 166, 23, 2, 91, 75, 231, 69, 143, 221, 68, 245, 75, 7, 52},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(44),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{196, 214, 236, 211, 227, 216, 152, 127, 164, 2, 235, 14, 235, 46, 142, 231, 83, 38, 7, 131, 208, 29, 179, 189, 62, 88, 129, 180, 119, 158, 214, 97},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(23),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{206, 58, 114, 148, 131, 49, 87, 197, 86, 18, 216, 26, 62, 79, 152, 175, 33, 4, 132, 160, 108, 231, 53, 200, 48, 76, 125, 94, 156, 85, 32, 130},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(80),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{200, 103, 135, 126, 197, 2, 203, 63, 241, 6, 245, 195, 220, 102, 27, 74, 232, 249, 201, 86, 207, 34, 51, 26, 180, 151, 136, 108, 112, 56, 132, 72},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(2),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{200, 249, 245, 218, 58, 253, 76, 250, 88, 114, 70, 239, 14, 2, 250, 123, 10, 192, 198, 61, 187, 155, 247, 152, 165, 174, 198, 24, 142, 39, 177, 119},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{209, 1, 199, 184, 186, 57, 21, 137, 33, 252, 219, 184, 130, 38, 32, 98, 63, 252, 250, 79, 70, 146, 169, 78, 180, 161, 29, 93, 38, 45, 175, 176},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(2),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{212, 107, 233, 43, 185, 138, 79, 253, 12, 237, 214, 17, 219, 198, 151, 92, 81, 129, 17, 120, 139, 58, 66, 119, 126, 220, 132, 136, 3, 108, 57, 58},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(3),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{214, 244, 146, 173, 173, 80, 33, 185, 29, 133, 77, 167, 185, 1, 38, 23, 111, 179, 104, 150, 105, 162, 120, 26, 245, 63, 114, 119, 52, 1, 44, 222},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{217, 218, 172, 16, 53, 134, 160, 226, 44, 138, 93, 53, 181, 62, 4, 209, 190, 27, 0, 93, 105, 17, 169, 61, 98, 145, 131, 112, 121, 55, 97, 184},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{223, 162, 172, 55, 54, 193, 37, 142, 200, 213, 230, 48, 186, 145, 184, 206, 15, 225, 167, 19, 37, 70, 38, 48, 135, 87, 205, 81, 187, 237, 181, 180},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(1),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{241, 46, 139, 41, 40, 63, 47, 169, 131, 173, 124, 246, 228, 213, 102, 44, 100, 217, 62, 237, 133, 154, 248, 69, 228, 2, 36, 206, 47, 250, 249, 170},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(50),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{241, 50, 229, 211, 66, 32, 115, 241, 117, 87, 180, 239, 76, 246, 14, 129, 105, 181, 153, 105, 105, 203, 229, 237, 23, 130, 193, 170, 100, 201, 38, 71},
				Value:      NewCurrency64(8841),
				UnlockHash: UnlockHash{125, 12, 68, 247, 102, 78, 45, 52, 229, 62, 253, 224, 102, 26, 111, 98, 142, 201, 38, 71, 133, 174, 142, 60, 215, 201, 115, 232, 209, 144, 195, 201},