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rate_control_kernel: remove conditional on shfiting gops

Christopher Degawa requested to merge 1480c1/SVT-AV1:vq_hang into master


Fixes a hang on long clips


Fixes #1831 (closed)



Performance impact

  • quality
  • memory
  • speed
  • 8 bit
  • 10 bit
  • N/A

Test set

  • obj-1-fast can be found here
  • other
  • N/A

Merge method

  • Allow the maintainer to squash and merge when PR is ready to create a 1-commit to the master branch. The maintainer will be able to fix typos / combine commit messages to create a more readable 1-commit message or use whatever is stated in the 'Description' section
  • I will clean up my commits and the maintainer shall use 'rebase and merge' to the master branch

Merge request reports