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Resave *all* JSON files using Zaros to prevent future pain

Player Name requested to merge PlayerName/2009scape:gg_everyone into master

What has been done in this MR?

  • Resave all JSON files using Zaros
  • Will merge conflict with at least !1723 !1713 (closed) (I think) !1735 which should be addressed by authors of those MRs. Sorry everyone, this is pain now to prevent more pain later 😞

What should testers check?

  • There should be no Corporeal Beast in front of Lumbridge castle
  • There should be no Armadyl godsword in front of Lumbridge castle
  • (Why those things? Because those are the changes I made, and subsequently removed, to trick Zaros into resaving those files)
  • I have tested these changes thoroughly.

  • I used the relevant Thanos/Zaros tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes. YES OH GOD YES

Merge request reports