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Reduce min arg in parallel assignment. Fixes #147

Yorick Peterse requested to merge madgen:parallel-assignment-false-positive into master

Created by: madgen

When parallel assignment is used together with write syntactic sugar, ie. method names ending with '=' followed by an argument, the parser generates a masgn node which contain the send nodes with one less argument than expected. Those arguments are gathered as an array in the second child of masgn node.


h =
h[1], h[2] = 1, 2
# s(:masgn,
#   s(:mlhs,
#     s(:send,
#       s(:send, nil, :h), :[]=,
#         s(:int, 1)),   # Here normally we would have an extra argument.
#     s(:send,
#       s(:send, nil, :h), :[]=,
#         s(:int, 2))),  # Here normally we would have an extra argument.
#   s(:array,
#     s(:int, 3),
#     s(:int, 4)))

# Same problem occurs in
class Hey
  def x=(_); end

h =
h.x, h.x = 1, 2

This commit fixes that by reducing the required argument size by one on such sugared method names.

It also reduces the sensitivity of the analysis in the case of a single writer method usage, but that would be a syntax error anyway.

A better fix would involve having access to the parent node, so we can check if it is a parallel assignment, or starting the analysis on a higher up node.

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