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> Task :app:stripMonochromaticReleaseDebugSymbols NO-SOURCE
> Task :app:mergeMonochromaticReleaseResources FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeMonochromaticReleaseResources'.
> Multiple task action failures occurred:
> A failure occurred while executing$ActionFacade
> AAPT2 aapt2-4.1.1-6503028-linux Daemon #3: Unexpected error during compile '/home/vagrant/build/org.xphnx.ameixamonochrome/app/src/monochromatic/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/opendocumentreader.png', attempting to stop daemon.
This should not happen under normal circumstances, please file an issue if it does.
> A failure occurred while executing$ActionFacade
> AAPT2 aapt2-4.1.1-6503028-linux Daemon #0: Unexpected error during compile '/home/vagrant/build/org.xphnx.ameixamonochrome/app/src/monochromatic/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/enki.png', attempting to stop daemon.
This should not happen under normal circumstances, please file an issue if it does.

ref: This is an issue of AGP 4.1. Updating AGP to 4.2 or above should fix it.

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