Replace map screenshots removing old Nexuiz assets, no items display
All threads resolved!
All threads resolved!
Closes #205 (closed)
Screenshots courtesy of MusicGoat.
Edited by LegendaryGuard
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %Xonotic 0.8.6
added 1 commit
- 180ed877 - Add the rest of map screenshots without items
- Resolved by LegendaryGuard
942309d8 - Apply compression to the rest of maps
Oops, I mean "map screenshots".
Edited by LegendaryGuard
- Resolved by LegendaryGuard
Thanks, these new map screenshots look good in general.
A few quibbles though:- The Glowplant screenshot looks very dark compared to the old one.
- The Solarium screenshot has a bad angle IMHO, the old screenshot was better as the sky was more visible.
- The angle for the Techassault screenshot feels wrong too, the bottom part of that huge structure in the background looks weird.
- Resolved by Spike29
added MR SizeSmall label and removed MR SizeTiny label
added 2 commits
mentioned in commit 1a6507b7
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