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Fix countdown centerprint for round-based modes

z411 requested to merge z411/round_countdown_fix into master

Right now when the warmup ends, there's a 10 time countdown into the game. In normal modes this would display "Game starts in 10...9..." but in round-based modes, it displays "Round starts in 20...19...18.......11... [game starts] 10...9..."

This patch makes it so before the game starts it properly displays Game starts in, and after the game starts it starts showing the round countdown, effectively making it like this:

"Game starts in 10...9... 1... [game starts] Round starts in 10...9..."

I also saw someone mention in an issue that they didn't like that the announcer played "Prepare for battle" at the start of every round. I can also fix that in this MR if you want.

Looking forward to see if this is an improvement or something that players are already used to and would like to keep as it is.

Merge request reports