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Scoreboard created by z411 and improved by LegendGuard

LegendaryGuard requested to merge LegendaryGuard/new_scoreboard into master

The code comes from z411/bai-server branch.

bones_was_here reported me that keeps getting requests for it. It could be merged if the country column is hidden when the data isn't available, like the fps column.

Antibody said: that scoreboard has promise, but right now it is information overload.

We should talk about how to put those things into stats such that they can be displayed back on the web in similar fashion.

Also, I see that the code has alterations with Freeze Tag and Clan Arena gamemodes.

It would be great if z411, who started to make that scoreboard, was present here to discuss about that and help us enhance.

Edited by LegendaryGuard

Merge request reports