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Server build and csprogs pk3 stuff

bones_was_here requested to merge bones_was_here/csprogs into master

When qcsrc/Makefile builds the csprogs pk3, it creates 3 untracked temp files in qcsrc/ and if the process is interrupted, these must be deleted manually or with git clean. We can put these files in .tmp where they are ignored by git, tell zip/7z to delete them after compression, and delete them with make clean if they still remain.

When a dedicated server using the versioned csprogs pk3 starts, it changes cvar csqc_progname from csprogs.dat to the versioned csprogs-WATERMARK.dat, prints "Restart requested", and restarts the progs with changelevel. This can be avoided by setting csqc_progname correctly before qc startup, with a versioned cfg that is only executed when the server starts with the csprogs pk3 loaded. The .txt file is unnecessary, we can add the .dat file to sv_curl_serverpackages.

Dedicated servers don't need menu.dat and make sv pk3 could be used by ./all compile dedicated.

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